What You Can Do Before Taking a Meeting with Brick
Scheduling an initial meeting with Brick is the first step to exploring our partnership. Here are tips to make your meeting more productive!

During the initial meeting, our representative will ask you to introduce yourself and explain your plans and goals for a partnership with Brick. Asking yourself questions about your goals will help you get focused and have a clear insight not only for yourself but also for the Brick representative you will be meeting with.
What market do you want to launch in?
We recommend to all of our potential and current partners that they establish their powerbank network preferably in a nearby city or the same city where you reside. Not only is it convenient to be close by in case you need to check up on anything, but it is also important to know your market, it often helps to be close to the market for this! Take a look at the markets that we are currently able to launch in. Don't see your region there? Ask us for market availability!
How much can you invest in this partnership financially?
We offer two different types of partnerships with different financial investments. A Network Partnership requires an investment of a minimum €4580, while a Market Owner requires a €50,000 investment. These estimations include our small stations and their power banks but do not include shipping or recurring monthly fees. If you want to order other sizes of stations, a mix, or more than the required minimum amount - it will require a larger investment.
Which venues will you target?
It is a good idea to think in advance about where to place the stations. Across all markets, bars, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, and shopping malls are some of our best venues! They are frequently filled with people who are spending their time leisurely or on their phones. However, every market is different and we encourage you to be creative with where you place the stations.
How many stations do you want?
Continuing with the venues, it’s also a good idea to have an idea of which stations you would like for your venues, as not every station is suitable for every venue. We currently offer four different sizes of stations: a 6-slot (small), 12-slot (medium), 24-slot (tower), and 48-slot (large). You can view photos of them and read more about their specifications.
Will you be operating this business by yourself or with a partner?
While gathering all the necessary information, it is important to consider whether you will be running the business independently or with one or more partners. This consideration will determine the responsibilities of who does what in the business and may also impact the investment, as you can potentially invest alongside your business partner(s).
When can you start?
We aim to kickstart your partnership fast, but we recognize that you may require some time to contemplate and organize certain aspects, such as setting up a company/VAT ID and gathering your capital. Once everything is settled, our goal is to assist you in getting set up within 1-2 months!
Read the articles on the Brick website
Each week, Brick publishes articles on all topics related to Brick. Who better than to learn from the experts themselves? We cover various topics including frequently asked questions (FAQs), how to get started with the partnership, information on hardware, our partnerships, costs involved in the partnerships, and much more!
If you prefer, we also offer the option to listen to the articles as podcasts! We have found that reading and understanding these articles and familiarizing yourself with our business model and offerings leads to better meeting quality.
Download the Brick app to see where we are located
Downloading the Brick app is a great next step that will inform you about where we are located in the world - it might even be in your area! Not only does it inform you about our whereabouts, but you can also see an example of what the app will look like in your market! This can be helpful as you can tell us if you need something specific and we can determine if we can implement it.
Research your local market
We recommend you assess your market. As an expert in your local market, you are on the ground observing the preferences and behaviors of people. Will they use and pay for this service? Are there existing competitors offering the same service? For Brick, it’s good to know whether your market requires specific implementations, such as fiscalization or other processes, to meet its needs and demands.
Come up with a list of questions to ask
The final step before your meeting is to compile a list of questions to ask a Brick Representative during the call. While our articles, website, and app can provide answers to many questions, there may still be some unanswered queries!
Ready to take the meeting?
One of the beauties of franchising a Brick partnership is the freedom to run your market according to your vision! With that being said, a Brick Representative is ready to connect with you when you are and see how we can set up Brick in your market.