Hear It from the Devs: How Does Fiscalization Work?
Fiscalization comes with starting a new business. It refers to the process of reporting taxes and sales to the relevant governmental authorities where you operate your business.

Starting your own business is exciting! You have an idea and see an opportunity in your market. We’ve been able to prove over and over that running a powerbank sharing operation can be very fortuitous, however, we have also seen that starting a business comes with a different set of laws and regulations depending on where in the world you’re located.
One crucial aspect that often arises is fiscalization, a term that may be familiar to some or entirely new to others. In simple terms, fiscalization refers to the process of reporting taxes and sales to the relevant governmental authorities in the country where you operate your business.
Once we started partnering with entrepreneurs all over the world, we discovered that certain aspects of running a business are more universal than others. One area that stood out was fiscalization, which became a priority for us to address promptly. While many Payment Service Providers (PSPs) handle the majority of transaction-related tasks, we recognized that fiscalization is often a more complex and demanding process that requires our dedicated efforts.
We can help each other
We are no strangers to this process, and we can work together to ensure a seamless implementation.
Look up what instance takes care of reporting taxes in your country Start by researching the specific entity responsible for tax reporting in your country. Determine whether it is a government agency or a private company appointed by the government. Gathering important details such as website links, contact names, and email addresses will be invaluable. Every piece of information counts!
Ask about demo environments and credentials
Testing plays a vital role in integrating with a new system, and as developers, we prioritize conducting thorough tests in a dedicated demo environment. This allows us to familiarize ourselves with the system and ensure its seamless operation before reporting actual sales on your behalf. In most cases, tax agencies provide developers with credentials to test their systems. It is beneficial to obtain these credentials in advance to speed up the process.
Look over the technical specifications and try to get an understanding
While it's understandable that you may not be familiar with all the technical intricacies involved, gathering as much information as possible would be very helpful!
When communicating with the tax agency or relevant authorities, it can be helpful to inquire about specific details. For example, ask if they can provide example receipts to ensure compliance, or if developers require a special certificate for server calls. Inquire about known challenges or common difficulties that other companies have encountered during the implementation process. The more information you can gather, the better prepared you will be to navigate potential hurdles and ensure a smoother integration.
Gather anything you find out and dump it in a document!
Remain vigilant and oversee the process
While our developers are skilled at working independently, having a local point of contact can greatly facilitate the integration process. This individual can serve as a bridge between us and the tax agency, assisting with tasks such as translating text, clarifying unfamiliar concepts, and navigating any country-specific cultural considerations. Effective communication is key during the setup process; we value the ability to easily reach out to you for any necessary support. Naturally, we will do the same!
Done is done
Once the implementation is complete, it typically remains stable unless there are any updates or changes on either our end or the tax agency's end. It's important to maintain regular communication with the tax agency to stay informed about any upcoming changes. We have successfully integrated with multiple agencies worldwide and eagerly look forward to expanding our partnerships further!
Become a Brick partner
Becoming a Brick partner can get you started with €4580 as an initial investment. 20 stations will be the perfect launching pad for your network, giving you the boost you need to kickstart your network. It might be enough for you, but why not seize the opportunity to expand and grow? The possibilities are endless, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!
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