What Brick Is Looking for in a Partner

We're looking for partners who can take the Brick brand and products to new heights in their market! Excitement to expand the brick brand and products is a good start!

What Brick Is Looking for in a Partner

As a Brick partner, you will have the chance to launch our brand, stations, software, and application in the market of your choice. Your role as a partner involves strategically placing powerbank stations in popular venues, and leveraging your expertise in the local market to maximize revenue. You will be responsible for finding and negotiating deals, showcasing the benefits of Brick to individuals and venues, and effectively managing business operations.

Do your research

We appreciate those who come prepared for our meetings, showing their dedication and enthusiasm for the partnership opportunity. It's always great to see that they have taken the time to familiarize themselves with Brick, powerbank sharing, and the specifics of our partnerships! Explore our website, read relevant articles, and download the Brick app to get a firsthand experience.

Preparation allows for more engaging and productive discussions during the meeting. We value proactive and well-informed partners who are ready to collaborate with us in bringing Brick to new markets!

Those who aim to expand and grow

Brick is driven to grow and expand its business. We value partners who share the same ambition and are committed to mutual success. We believe in fostering long-term partnerships that go beyond the minimum requirements and focus on continuous growth and expansion.

We support partners who are eager to explore new markets, expand the Brick network, and reach more users. By embracing the opportunity to increase the number of stations in your market, you can tap into new revenue streams and broaden your reach.

Those who have resources

Having the necessary capital and connections can certainly give you a head start in launching the Brick business. It provides a solid foundation for placing stations, expanding your network, and driving growth. However, there is no strict requirement for capital or connections, but there is a minimum investment of €4580 to initiate a partnership with Brick.

Those who believe in the Brick product and business

It's important for a partner to be excited about representing Brick! It's all about showing the brand by selling and placing the powerbank stations. We're always on the lookout for those who are eager to spread that Brick enthusiasm!

Those who have good communication and personal skills

As partners engage with potential venues for partnerships, it's important to have good communication and personal skills. Clear and friendly communication helps convey the value of the Brick service, address any concerns, and build positive relationships.

Potentially a team or an established company

Whether you're a Market Operator overseeing a network of 100+ stations or a Network Partner managing a smaller set of 20 stations, having a strong partnership is essential for the success of your business. While individuals can certainly make a significant impact, a team can bring even greater benefits. Shared responsibility and collaboration can be the key to taking your Brick business to new heights.

Caught your interest?

These are ideal criteria for our prospective partners. But at Brick, we want to work with individuals who believe in our product and are excited about it! We enjoy working with our partners from different backgrounds who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the table.

Become a Brick Partner

Becoming a Brick partner can get you started with €4580 as an initial investment. 20 stations will be the perfect launching pad for your network, giving you the boost you need to kickstart your network. It might be enough for you, but why not seize the opportunity to expand and grow? The possibilities are endless, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

Ready to jump right in?