What Is the Brick Dashboard and How Can It Help Your Business?
The Dashboard was created for our partners. You can monitor your powerbank network and see if you're on the right track or if something needs to be changed.

To get started with Brick and bring powerbank sharing to your market, we will equip you with different tools that will allow you to seamlessly launch, manage, and scale your powerbank sharing business in your city or region. One of the tools that we will provide you with is the Brick Dashboard.
What is the Brick Dashboard?
The Dashboard is proprietary software created by the development team here at Brick and is an essential tool to manage your partnership and get insights into how you are performing. The features on the Dashboard are based entirely on the feedback we receive from our current partners and what would be helpful for them to see and get insights into. This tool is specifically designed with our partners in mind and is constantly changing and evolving as we grow.
What are the features of the Dashboard?
As a Brick partner, you are granted access to the dashboard upon signing with Brick, so that you can get acquainted with it while awaiting your hardware delivery. Once you log into the Dashboard, you will see a Snapshot page that shows your revenue, new users, and rentals in your market over a period of time that you can filter in between. You can also see which venues are performing the best and what the most popular venues in your market are based on revenue. Finally, you can see the distribution in the percentage of rentals over the week, and rental duration stats that give you an idea of how long your average rental is an average transaction.

The dashboard is easy to navigate thanks to the sidebar menu to the left. Starting from the top, the tabs include promo codes, stations, and venues among other tabs.
Promo codes for users and staff
Under the promo codes tab you as the partner can create promotional codes for the staff at venues so that they can try out the service for free, get comfortable with how to use it, and then in turn show users at the venue how to rent as well!

Your venues with a Brick station
Under the venues tab, you will be able to view all the venues that you have in your market, these venue items are synced with Google Maps and are the basis of the venues shown in our app. Click on any of your venues to get insight into the venues pricing model, notes about the venue, and manage the stations you have assigned to the venues, if there are any promotions active on the stations at the venue, see the revenue you have received there, and see a list of the rentals at the venue.
Your powerbank sharing stations
Under the stations tab, you will see all the stations you have in the network whether they are online or offline. This is where you will find information such as the last heartbeat of the station (The last time the station communicated with the servers. Online, this is updated every 5 minutes), station size, station ID, and an interactive map of the station, which allows you to troubleshoot and manage it remotely, for example by ejecting all the powerbanks.
The powerbank rentals in your network
Under the rentals tab, you will see all the rentals in your market. This tab more specifically will show the rental ID, start, end date, and time of the rental, the user ID of who rented the powerbank, if the rental was completed or rented, if there is an option to refund the rental, the payment amount of the rental, the venue where the rental started and ended, along with the powerbank ID.
How can the dashboard help your business?
The Dashboard was created for you, our partner. You will spend a lot of time in the Dashboard monitoring how everything is going and understanding if you are on the right track or if something needs to be changed. Because this product is so imperative to your business, we want to make sure that it is actually information and statistics that you can use and gain insight from.

The Dashboard gives many insights and features to help your business and identify strengths and weaknesses, problems, and solutions to manage your powerbank sharing business. As Brick grows, so does the dashboard, we are adding features on a regular. Making it more mobile-friendly, providing deeper analytics possibilities, and native troubleshooting guides, are a few of the things that have been implemented in recent months.
As a partner, a Partner Success Manager will onboard you to the Dashboard once signed and explain the ins and outs as well as the tips and tricks of the Dashboard so that you can use it to your advantage as a partner.
Become a Brick Partner
Becoming a Brick partner presents a chance to build a business without the burden of additional operating costs. It’s an opportunity to focus on growth and expansion. With a startup cost starting at €4580, becoming a Brick partner offers different opportunities. While 20 stations and a small passive income are enough for some, most aim for continuous growth, expansion, and larger income!
Ready to jump right in?